Happy Galentine’s Day

Galentine’s Day is a recent phenomenon. Amy Poehler’s Parks and Recreation character, Leslie Knope, made it up in 2010. I know that we don’t have to wait until February 13 to celebrate our girlfriends, we can do that any time we like, but today I am going to shout about my chosen sisters.

In an episode of Sex And the City, after Aidan breaks up with Carrie, at Charlotte’s wedding, Carrie says, “It’s hard to find people who would love you no matter what. I was lucky enough to find three of them.”

I cry every time I hear that line because I, like Carrie, have been lucky enough to find “four of them”. Four girlfriends who love each other no matter what – even when we piss each other off, our opinions differ, or, even when I move to the other side of the world.

I have lived away from my girls for over 17 years now. You would think at this stage I would feel less connected to them but this couldn’t be further from the truth. As the months and years go by, my love for them, and our bond, gets even stronger – they become even more important in my life. My (chosen) sisters are the first people I call when I have the best news and are also the first ones I turn to when things aren’t so great.

Thanks to technology we are in constant contact. We talk about everything and anything (I really hope no-one else gets their hands on these conversations!). In one conversation we could go from talking about a work/life frustration, to cracking each other up, to discussing our fears and planning new adventures.

I have always struggled to understand when people say they grew apart from their girlfriends when partners and kids came into the equation. I don’t get it. Why would you want to give up someone who enriches your life like nothing or no-one else can? Why wouldn’t you want your partner and/or children having these phenomenal women in their lives too? Kids have come into our lives in different ways and at different times – nieces, nephews, daughters, and sons. Instead of tearing us apart, these little spawns of ours have brought us even closer. Besides mum and dad, they have four other girls ready to step in and be there for them in any way needed.

Why would you want to give up people who make you feel strong; push you out of your comfort zone; are in your corner and will even get into that ring for you if need be; call you out when necessary (harsh truths aren’t always easy to hear but are just as important as the celebrations and the compliments); allow you to be an integral part of their lives; go on magnificent adventures together; make each other laugh so hard that you pee a little; hold you or just sit in silence in the tough times; and be each other’s anchors?

Why would you give up people who are good for your soul; who make you a better person; and who make your world a better place to be in? I know I wouldn’t want to and luckily I haven’t had to.

One of the lines that has always resonated with me, since the first time I heard it in Moulin Rouge, is, “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.” There really is nothing like the love of, and for, a girlfriend.

I miss being with my girls like crazy (it’s been 7 years since we were all, physically, in the same place at the same time) but am so thankful that I have them in my life. I know that no matter how far apart we are, or how our lives may change, our sisterhood is something that never will.

About The Bellissimo Files

Hi, I’m Sarina Bellissimo and this is the place I come to indulge in my love of all things entertainment. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t fascinated by all things Hollywood/showbiz. I blame my parents! As a child my mum used to force me to watch old Elvis Presley films with her, and both my mum & dad would take my brothers and I to the Drive-In to watch the latest films (this is where my love for ROCKY began!). When not watching movies, I was trying to figure out ways to pull the back off the TV so I could somehow get into it and be a part of all the action on the screen! This blog isn’t a place that revels in gossip and negativity. It’s a place where entertainment is celebrated. That said, this is a place you can turn to for honesty. Honesty and criticism don’t always mean attacks. I choose to criticise the piece of work but not the person and I acknowledge that just because I don’t like something, it doesn’t mean someone else won’t. Here you’ll find interviews with some of the biggest names in the world of Entertainment, reviews, breaking news and my very own musings. The Bellissimo Files is constantly evolving. Files (topics) will be added or deleted as time goes on. Feel free to read, watch, comment, share, and make suggestions for what you would like to see on the site. Sarina
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